Astonishing facts about octopuses

Octopuses are considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates, and for a good reason! Read on to learn some facts about octopuses that will turn them into your favourite animal.

They have “arms” not “tentacles” and each has a mind of its own.

Their skin can see. Octopuses skin can sense and respond to light without any information from the brain.

Rather than swimming octopuses like to walk along the seafloor. When an octopus swims, the heart that pumps blood to its organs stops beating, so crawling is more efficient and less exhaustive.

Blue-ringed octopuses are recognised as one of the worlds most venomous marine animals. Despite their small size - 12-20cm - and their relatively docile nature, they are dangerous to humans if provoked and handled because of their venom which contains the powerful neurotoxin tetrodotoxin.

They squirt ink to deter predators.

The smallest octopus is the Octopus wolfi. It is smaller than an inch (2.5 cm) long and weighs less than a gram.

They are masters of camouflage changing shape and colour to blend in with their surroundings.

They are natures best contortionists squeezing in and out of tight spaces.

They are able to re-grow lost limbs.

They have cognitive abilities, individual emotions, and personalities and can form relationships with humans. Have you seen My Octopus Teacher yet?

Do we need to convince you any further these are the coolest marine animals!?

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